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Shell Ondina 934詳細說明?。g覽1411次)
1 10/12/2007
Shell Ondina Oil 934
Medicinal white oil
Shell Ondina Oils are highly refined, non-stabilised, aromatic-free paraffinic or
naphthenic white mineral oils complying with the stringent pharmacopoeia purity
requirements. Ondina oils can be used in pharmaceutical, food packaging, cosmetic
and other applications, where this high purity is required by legislation or important
for the quality of the finished product.
Typical Physical Characteristics
 Ondina 934
 European Pharmacopoeia 4 Liquid Paraffin
 US Pharmacopoeia 25 / NF 20
 EU Directive 2002/72/EC yes
Colour (Saybolt) ASTM D 156 +30
Density at 15 °C kg/m3 ISO 12185 865
Refractive Index at 20 °C ASTM D 1218 1,475
Flashpoint COC °C ISO 2592 240
Pour Point °C ISO 3016 -12
Dynamic Viscosity at 20 °C mPa*s ISO 3104 205
Kinematic Viscosity ISO 3104
at 20 °C mm2/s 238
at 40 °C mm2/s 76
at 100 °C mm2/s 9,7
Carbon Type Distribution DIN 51378 /
C/A (S-corr.) ASTM D 2140
C/N (S-corr.) % mod. 38
C/P (S-corr.) % 62
Refractive Intercept (RI) DIN 51378 1,0434
Viscosity Gravity Constant (VGC) DIN 51378 0,793
Evaporation Loss (22h/107°C) %m/m ASTM D 972 0,8
Noack Volatility (1h/250°C) %m/m ASTM D 5800 3,5
Molecular Weight g/mol ASTM D 2502 507
Carbon Number at 5 % Distill. Point ASTM D 2887mod > C25
Boiling Range (Sim.Distillation) °C ASTM D 2887 370 - 600
Purity Requirements for
Medicinal White Oils acc. pass
 Europ.Pharm. V; US Pharm. 25;
US FDA $172.878, FDA §178.3620(a)
These characteristics are typical of current production. Whilst future production will conform
to Shell's specification, variations in these characterist
下一產(chǎn)品: 美孚維蘿斯CX--DX錠子油
友情鏈接:百度搜索引擎 殼牌潤滑油官網(wǎng) 美孚潤滑油官網(wǎng) 
版權所有:深圳市華航潤滑科技有限公司 地址:深圳市南山區(qū)高新園中區(qū)科技中二路 網(wǎng)址:http://nigeriatop.com 郵箱:2118555039@qq.com
聯(lián)系人:朱小姐(經(jīng)理) 手機:15919763337 15919760805 電話:0755-21048979 傳真:0755-21019451 郵編:518000 粵ICP備18138428號
關鍵詞:殼牌(SHell)、美孚(Mobil). 克魯勃(klueber)、埃索(Esso)、嘉實多(Castrol)、BP潤滑油、道達爾潤滑油(TOTAL)、福斯?jié)櫥停‵UCHS),加德士